We just bought a rubber band ball for $10,000 a CHA-CHA!!

what is the plural of octupus octupuses or octupiiiiii
ANSWER octopusesss!!!
are we having fun? i think we are
ANSWER we are!!!!
they can feel in miles
ohh no its suppost to be a puzzle
so whats a fish with no eyes
ANSWER fshs!!
answer on the ANSWER free state high school!!
ANSWER yes!!
ana my favorite banana

Postat av: ANA BananaBieberBelieber

this picture look weird because i look weird and you look weird and well its just weird

2012-04-27 @ 22:19:00
URL: http://dontbeabummer.tumblr.com/
Postat av: ANA BananaBieberBelieber

elin: i soo look forward to dye!

ana: im jumping im jumping

2012-04-27 @ 22:20:52
URL: http://dontbeabummer.tumblr.com/

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